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After you have completed at least 60% of the graded exercises, you can use the credits request form to request ECTS credits for the course.

Your progress


There will be a table here tracking which exercises you've done and your current grade.



There will be a table here showing how many people have done each exercise in the course.

Request credits

Once you have successfully completed at least 60% of the write exercises in each chapter, you can get 5 ECTS credits for completion.

  • If you solve at least 60% of the exercises, you get a grade of 1.
  • If you solve at least 90% of the exercises, you get a grade of 4.
  • If you solve at least 99% of the exercises, you get a grade of 5.

Please use the below form to submit a request for credits once you have completed enough exercises.


This form is not currently available, as the course has not been registered as a University of Helsinki MOOC yet.