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Elements of set theory

This part will cover

  • Unique
  • Union
  • Set difference
  • Intersection

You are a system administrator aboard the corporate OC-3. You are currently deploying a database change affecting 413 customers at a speed of 155.52Mbit/s.

In brief intervals of time spent waiting between helping your sales staff with Excel, you enjoy maintaining a forum dedicated to signal processing. Unfortunately for you, you had a lapse of judgement and your forum's been completely spammed. Unfortunately for management, you’ve decided to use company time to fix this issue.

30-08-202418:52Why does DVB-C use QAM instead of OFDM?                             frequencySniffer
30-08-202410:34DAC in QPSK modulation                                              radioComputer   
30-08-202402:30Weve Received Your Payment                                         fccvrybkas      
30-08-202402:16Order number 1045534719 / Nice savings with this offer...           cherylebowmiq   
30-08-202402:03TREND ALERT: Discover one of a kind items                           k.a6            
30-08-202400:12WARNING! This is not a joke! Carry on reading or you will be cursed!mark0847        
29-08-202423:28I know your password T.J Eckleburg                                  johnsmith       
29-08-202423:17Whats with all the spam??                                           fluxLinker      
29-08-202422:36HACKED BY APT1 // FIX YOUR SITE                                     YouKnowWho      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
29-08-202421:38Nordtel OC3 Express                                                 corporateRaider 

Not this again, you need to get rid of all the spam before the situation gets out of hand. You first remove all duplicate posts using the monadic unique ∪ function.

30-08-202418:52Why does DVB-C use QAM instead of OFDM?                             frequencySniffer
30-08-202410:34DAC in QPSK modulation                                              radioComputer   
30-08-202402:30Weve Received Your Payment                                         fccvrybkas      
30-08-202402:16Order number 1045534719 / Nice savings with this offer...           cherylebowmiq   
30-08-202402:03TREND ALERT: Discover one of a kind items                           k.a6            
30-08-202400:12WARNING! This is not a joke! Carry on reading or you will be cursed!mark0847        
29-08-202423:28I know your password T.J Eckleburg                                  johnsmith       
29-08-202423:17Whats with all the spam??                                           fluxLinker      
29-08-202422:36HACKED BY APT1 // FIX YOUR SITE                                     YouKnowWho      
01-01-197000:00XXXXXXXXXX                                                          XXXXXXXXXX      
29-08-202421:38Nordtel OC3 Express                                                 corporateRaider 

The duplicate 'XXXXXXXXXX' spam posts have been removed. Next is removing specific posts using the set difference ~ function. First, listing all the indices of the post then removing the specific spam posts.

11 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
      (11) ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 11
      POSTS  POSTS[(13) ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
30-08-202418:52Why does DVB-C use QAM instead of OFDM?frequencySniffer
30-08-202410:34DAC in QPSK modulation                 radioComputer   
29-08-202421:38Nordtel OC3 Express                    corporateRaider 

That's better! Let's take a closer look at some other set functions, too.

Take the following vectors of emoticons

HAPPY_EMOTICONS  ':)' ':-)' ':D' ':]' ':o)' '8)' ':3' 'c:' ':x'

SAD_EMOTICONS  '):' ':c' ']:' ')-:' 'D:' '>:(' ':/' ':x' ':|'

The symbol ∪ acts dyadically as Set Union.

:) :-) :D :] :o) 8) :3 c: :x ): :c ]: )-: D: >:( :/ :|

Notice how the element ‘:x’ only appears once, where it would appear twice if we were to use the dyadic catenate , operator introduced in Chapter 2.

:) :-) :D :] :o) 8) :3 c: :x ): :c ]: )-: D: :x >:( :/ :|

Similarly, the symbol ∩ acts dyadically as the Set Intersection operation.


The symbol ~, which monadically refers to boolean NOT, is dyadically the Set Difference operation.

:) :-) :D :] :o) 8) :3 c:
       ⍝ Notice the ':x' emoticon is gone

Monadically, the symbol ∪ acts as the Unique operator, removing duplicate entries in a vector.

:) :-) :D :] :o) 8) :3 c: :x ): :c ]: )-: D: >:( :/ :|
       ⍝ Notice the ':x' emoticon only appears once