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7.4 - Error handling
Initializing search
0 - The wonderful world of APL
0 - The wonderful world of APL
0.1 - Quirky and different
0.2 - What's the big idea?
0.3 - Useful resources
0.4 - About the course
1 - Getting your toes wet
1 - Getting your toes wet
1.1 - Immediate execution mode
1.2 - Basic operations and input
1.3 - How do I type these characters?!?!?!?
1.4 - Order of execution
1.5 - When things go wrong
1.S - Summary
1.R - Read exercises
1.W - Write exercises
2 - Array programming
2 - Array programming
2.1 - Assignment
2.2 - Vectors
2.3 - Arithmetic operations on vectors
2.4 - Higher dimensional space
2.5 - Nested arrays
2.S - Summary
2.R - Read exercises
2.W - Write exercises
3 - Functions
3 - Functions
3.1 - Fun for everyone
3.2 - All the math
3.3 - Relational and Logical functions
3.5 - Installing Dyalog
3.6 - Traditional fun
3.7 - Infinite fun
3.8 - All aboard!
3.S - Summary
3.R - Read exercises
3.W - Write exercises
3.B - A Musical Interlude
4 - Vector functions
4 - Vector functions
4.1 - Creating vectors
4.2 - Reductions and scans
4.3 - Order from chaos
4.4 - Selecting from a vector
4.5 - Searching
4.S - Summary
4.R - Read exercises
4.W - Write exercises
4.B - Rotating an image
5 - Higher dimensions
5 - Higher dimensions
5.1 - Elements of set theory
5.2 - Anything can be a scalar
5.3 - Choose your axis
5.4 - I knew he swapped those numbers!
5.5 - More searching and selecting
5.S - Summary
5.R - Read exercises
5.W - Write exercises
5.B - Computer graphics
6 - Everything else you need to know
6 - Everything else you need to know
6.1 - Execute and format
6.2 - Inner and outer products
6.3 - Encoding and decoding
6.4 - Repeat and masking
6.5 - Matchmaking
6.5 - Dops (dee-ops)
6.S - Summary
6.R - Read exercises
6.W - Write exercises
6.B - Minesweeper in APL and Python
7 - Programming in APL
7 - Programming in APL
7.1 - Installing Dyalog
7.2 - Development environment
7.3 - Traditional functions
7.4 - Error handling
7.5 - Writing interactive programs
7.6 - File I/O
7.7 - External libraries
7.S - Summary
7.P - Programming project
Error handling
This part will cover
Dealing with nasty errors