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I knew he swapped those numbers!

This part will cover

  • Transpose
  • Reverse
  • Rotate

With data stored in higher dimensional arrays, it is often necessary to rotate, flip, and transpose the axes of these arrays in order to make sense of them. This is especially true in the case of highly structured data.

Let's look at an array tracking the number of replies a user has posted per day, for two weeks

      w1  ('Week 1') ('RedScanLine' 'frequencySniffer' 'dataMoshpit' 'Radiovangelist') (12    8   15  6) (10  7   12  9) (14  9   11  8) (11  6   14  7) (9   10  13  5) (13  8   16  10) (10 12  15  6)
Week 1                                              
12         8               15         6             
10         7               12         9             
14         9               11         8             
11         6               14         7             
9          10              13         5             
13         8               16         10            
10         12              15         6             

      w2  ('Week 2') ('RedScanLine' 'frequencySniffer' 'dataMoshpit' 'Radiovangelist') (15    11  17  8) (12  9   14  7) (11  10  13  5) (14  8   12  9) (10  7   16  11) (13 12  15  6) (12  11  14  8)
Week 2                                              
15         11              17         8             
12         9               14         7             
11         10              13         5             
14         8               12         9             
10         7               16         11            
13         12              15         6             
12         11              14         8             

      activity  ↑↑w1 w2
Week 1                                              
12         8               15         6             
10         7               12         9             
14         9               11         8             
11         6               14         7             
9          10              13         5             
13         8               16         10            
10         12              15         6             
Week 2                                              
15         11              17         8             
12         9               14         7             
11         10              13         5             
14         8               12         9             
10         7               16         11            
13         12              15         6             
12         11              14         8             

The array above is structured along three axes, the first being the week, the second being the day of the week, and the third is the user. Note that there are also several non-data entries that are used to make the tables easier to read.

      ⍝ Two weeks, 7 days, 4 users (Note that there are two rows which are used for labels)
2 9 4

To get the total list of replies for each user, we need to forget the day and week axes to be left with only user information. If we try to use the rank operator to enlist along the 2-cells of this array, we don't get what we want.

Week 1                  RedScanLinefrequencySnifferdataMoshpitRadiovangelist128 156107129149 1181161479 10135 138 16101012156
Week 2                  RedScanLinefrequencySnifferdataMoshpitRadiovangelist15111781291471110135148129107 16111312156 1211148

This is because the last two axes of the array are Day and User.

      ⍝ First week
Week 1                                              
12         8               15         6             
10         7               12         9             
14         9               11         8             
11         6               14         7             
9          10              13         5             
13         8               16         10            
10         12              15         6             
      ⍝ First day of either week
12  8 15 6
15 11 17 8
      ⍝ First user
Week 1RedScanLine121014119 1310
Week 2RedScanLine15121114101312

The way to solve this is to swap the Week and User axes to get an array where the last axes are Week and Day, this problem is easily solved by the ⍉ transpose function.

The left argument to the transpose function is a list of integers starting from 1, which represents where each axes is in the resulting array. For example, 1 2 3 ⍉ activity is the same as activity, but 3 2 1⍉activity swaps the first and third axis.

      ⍝ Week × Day × User
      1 2 3  activity
Week 1                                              
12         8               15         6             
10         7               12         9             
14         9               11         8             
11         6               14         7             
9          10              13         5             
13         8               16         10            
10         12              15         6             
Week 2                                              
15         11              17         8             
12         9               14         7             
11         10              13         5             
14         8               12         9             
10         7               16         11            
13         12              15         6             
12         11              14         8             
      ⍝ User × Week × Day
      3 2 1  activity
Week 1          Week 2          
RedScanLine     RedScanLine     
12              15              
10              12              
14              11              
11              14              
9               10              
13              13              
10              12              
8               11              
7               9               
9               10              
6               8               
10              7               
8               12              
12              11              
dataMoshpit     dataMoshpit     
15              17              
12              14              
11              13              
14              12              
13              16              
16              15              
15              14              
Radiovangelist  Radiovangelist  
6               8               
9               7               
8               5               
7               9               
5               11              
10              6               
6               8               

Removing the labels

      ⍝ Check how ⍤2 acts on the above matrix
      (2)3 2 1  activity
││Week 1     Week 2     │││                                │││                      │││                            ││
││12         15         │││8               11              │││15         17         │││6             8             ││
││10         12         │││7               9               │││12         14         │││9             7             ││
││14         11         │││9               10              │││11         13         │││8             5             ││
││11         14         │││6               8               │││14         12         │││7             9             ││
││9          10         │││10              7               │││13         16         │││5             11            ││
││13         13         │││8               12              │││16         15         │││10            6             ││
││10         12         │││12              11              │││15         14         │││6             8             ││

      ⍝ Use drop ↓ to remove the week label
      1 (2) 3 2 1  activity
RedScanLine     RedScanLine     
12              15              
10              12              
14              11              
11              14              
9               10              
13              13              
10              12              
8               11              
7               9               
9               10              
6               8               
10              7               
8               12              
12              11              
dataMoshpit     dataMoshpit     
15              17              
12              14              
11              13              
14              12              
13              16              
16              15              
15              14              
Radiovangelist  Radiovangelist  
6               8               
9               7               
8               5               
7               9               
5               11              
10              6               
6               8               

Finally obtaining the replies per user per day

      ⍝ Ravel the above 2-cells to get the replies per day for every user
      (,2) 1 (2) (3 2 1  activity)
RedScanLine     RedScanLine     12151012141111149 1013131012
frequencySnifferfrequencySniffer8 117 9 9 106 8 107 8 121211
dataMoshpit     dataMoshpit     1517121411131412131616151514
Radiovangelist  Radiovangelist  6 8 9 7 8 5 7 9 5 11106 6 8 

      ⍝ Remove the duplicate user label using (↓⍤1) drop on 1-cells
      1 (1) (,2) 1(2) (3 2 1  activity)
RedScanLine     12151012141111149 1013131012
frequencySniffer8 117 9 9 106 8 107 8 121211
dataMoshpit     1517121411131412131616151514
Radiovangelist  6 8 9 7 8 5 7 9 5 11106 6 8 

More examples of transpose

      SYMBOLS  2 3 2  'A1B2C3あ一い二う三'
      ⍝ The first axis is from English to Japanese, the second axis is alphanumeric order, and the third axis is from letters to numbers


      ⍝ Transposing the last two axes, so that the second axis is now from letters to numbers
      1 3 2SYMBOLS


      ⍝ Transposing the first two axis, so that the first axis is now alphanumeric order
      2 1 3SYMBOLS



      ⍝ Transposing the first and last axis, so that the first axis is now letters to numbers
      3 2 1SYMBOLS


The dyadic rotate functions rotate an array by an amount specific by the left argument, around a specific axis.

       3¨'hotbloods' 'mentally' 'outbreak' 'clean' 'kyoto'
bloodshot  tallymen  breakout  ancle  tokyo

Another example:

SAD_EMOTICONS  '):' ':c' ']:' ')-:' 'D:' '>:(' ':/' ':x' ':|'

Notice that some of the sad emoticons can be turned into happy emoticons by reflecting the emoticon vertically, turning the frown upside down! The monadic ⌽ ⊖ reverse functions reflect an array along the horizontal (last) or vertical (first) axis.

): :c ]: )-: D: >:( :/ :x :| 

:) c: :] :-) :D (:> /: x: |: