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I'm in Spain without the "a"

This part will cover

  • Rotations
  • Reflections
  • Transpose

The dyadic rotate functions rotate an array by an amount specific by the left argument, around a specific axis.

       3¨'hotbloods' 'mentally' 'outbreak' 'clean' 'kyoto'
bloodshot  tallymen  breakout  ancle  tokyo

Another example:

SAD_EMOTICONS  '):' ':c' ']:' ')-:' 'D:' '>:(' ':/' ':x' ':|'

Notice that some of the sad emoticons can be turned into happy emoticons by reflecting the emoticon vertically, turning the frown upside down! The monadic ⌽ ⊖ reverse functions reflect a vector along the horizontal or vertical directions.

:|  :x  :/  >:(  D:  )-:  ]:  :c  ):

Notice that reversing the array of sad emoticons did not reverse the emoticons themselves; to apply the reverse function to each element of the sad emoticons array, the each ¨ operator can be used. The each ¨ operator applies a function to every scalar element of its right argument.

 :)  c:  :]  :-)  :D  (:>  /:  x:  |: